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Viví en crypto






Generate daily returns with your pesos

Generate daily returns with your pesos

In Lemon, your pesos and your crypto earn.

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Hacé rendir tus pesos

Depositá pesos desde cualquier billetera virtual o banco, invertilos en el Fondo Común de Inversión (FCI) Money Market de Fondos Fima y empezá a generar rendimientos en ARS todos los días.

Transactions in real time

Share your voice: leave your message with every transaction

Be part of Latin America’s crypto pulse

Be part of Latin America’s crypto pulse

Explore the state of the Crypto industry in Latin America

What a bank would never do: Verify in real time where all the funds we custody are with our Proof of Reserves and Proof of Solvency

What a bank would never do: Verify in real time where all the funds we custody are with our Proof of Reserves and Proof of Solvency

What a bank would never do: Verify in real time where all the funds we custody are with our Proof of Reserves and Proof of Solvency